Motion Capture Movies - Dance
Kinetic Impulse lectures for the UK Arts Council - Dance &
Technology in motion capture & digital performance. Below are
this years events held at EssexDance - the Arts Council's mocap
studio in Chelmsford, Essex.
photographs, and rendings of the 2004 workshops
14-16 April
Chancellor Hall / Market Road / Chelmsford / Essex / CM1 1XA
/ UK
Led by Richard Widgery - Motion Capture & Digital Performance
This is aimed at people who ideally have an arts and technology
background. Participants will learn about past, current, and future
Motion Capture technologies, how to capture data in real time, basic
data cleaning, and data conversion & application in 3D software
packages. Demonstrations, discussions and practical hands on workshops.
29 - 31 May 2004
Chancellor Hall / Market Road / Chelmsford / Essex / CM1 1XA / UK
Led by Richard Widgery - Motion Capture & Digital Performance
This second
Motion Capture Lab enables participants to increase their knowledge
of Motion Capture technologies. Using data that has previously been
captured, participants will learn how to create virtual environments
and characters that can be used in projects and performances. Demonstrations,
discussions and practical hands on workshops.

(now DigitalDance)
