Motion Capture Data
Various motion capture libraries are avaible:

Two libraries
have been custom developed for:
- Feature Film Animations
- Video Games
- Industrial / Military Research
- Equine Biomechanics Gait Analysis
The libraries may be purchased
as whole, or you may pick and mix any movements that you wish to build your own collection.
A high resolution model has been specifically built and skinned for this data and may be purchased in addition to accompany any movements selected.
The data is sold via our sister company:
This is a complete horse gait analysis package for movements on
a tread-mill including:
- Static - Standing Still (can be used for"skinning" process in animation packages)
- Walk
- Trot
- Canter
- Gallop
Each gait such as walk, trot, or canter has a different leg pattern
of movements, so it is not possible
to directly blend (in animation terms) a walk into a trot for example.
For this reason we also include all accelerating and decelerating
transitions needed to create any sequence.
- Static to Walk
- Walk to Trot
- Trot to Canter
- Canter to Trot
- Trot to Walk
- Walk to Static
The Freestyle library is a little bit special. It
is a collection of stunt horse movements that
are incredibly unique. To our knowledge we are the only ones that
have recorded this kind of data and we encourage you to take a look
at the sample
animations - you wont be disappointed.
- Bucking
- Rearing Up and Kicking Fore-Legs (image above)
- Turn 160
- Turn 360
- Bounce
- Canter Banking Left Turn
- Foot Scratching
- Half Hups
- Twitchy
- Walking Backwards
- Shaking Head
- Right Shuffle
- Left Cross Over Laterals
Rhesus Monkies were motion captured and are now available for purchase... Please contact from more information.
Movies will follow shortly.
Reindeer were motion captured and are now available for purchase... Please contact from more information.
Movies will follow shortly.
Dogs were motion captured and are now available for purchase... Please contact from more information.
Movies will follow shortly.
Please contact
us for more information or to purchase the data.